Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Bat out of Hell

This was a photo manipulation done in Photoshop! This piece wasn't really going for realism, but perhaps more of a graphic novel type feel. We were required to feature ourselves inside this piece, so of course I featured myself with bats! After finding a scenic photo of a volcano, I looked up several photos of bat colonies which I knew I wanted to have coming from the mouth of the volcano, billowing out similar to how smoke would. The bats in the foreground had their contrast set up higher which made them look more volcanic, perfect for creatures that live in the depths of a volcano. While my figure with my arms stretched out, appears to be “summoning” them. The title Bat out of Hell seemed perfect for this piece.
                This is an asymmetrical piece which focal point lies on the mouth of the volcano, due to the bright orange color amongst the more de-saturated colors. It has aerial sense of space and proportion as the bats grow larger and become more refined the closer they come from the background to the foreground. In turn, this created movement, as your eyes can follow the bats from where they erupt, to where they ‘fly’ toward the summoning figure. The grainy texture of the background takes away from any realism but I think added to the overall feel of the piece.
                I like this piece alright, though with more time I think I could improve on it!
Bat out of Hell, photos used and manipulated in Photoshop.

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